Honduras Blue Mountain Dark Organic

Regular price $18.25
Cupping Notes: Dark Chocolate, with hints of citrus, pepper, and spice
This is an Organic, S.H.G. (Strictly High Grown) specialty grade coffee
One of our most distinctive coffees comes from the tall mountains around Lake Yojoa in Northern Honduras. The famers at Cero Azul, El Jaguar, and San Vicente have provided us with a world class coffee that is distinct in body and flavor. This is a spectacular coffee that has become the favorite of many of our friends. We roast it to a consistent dark brown, with specks of oil present, and dump it well into the second crack. The result is deep body, smooth flavor, and a rich finish. We all love this coffee, and use it in our Global Jones and Papa Jack blends.
As to the name, the mountains in this part of Honduras take on a blue hue in the afternoon.
Photo: When Truman, Sharon & Earl Washburn, Ron Bross and I began the school project in 1986. it became obvious that we would need some full time professional help. That's when I met Tom Keogh who was heading an educational radio project for the Miskito Indian refugee children in our villages along the Kruta & Coco rivers. Tom is a former Peace Corps worker who became fluent in the Miskito language, and speaks it and writes it better than most nativos. He also hold a masters degree in Bilingual Education. When the radio project funding ended, we hired Tom to become the director of our school project. He brought a level of professionalism to our teachers that made it possible for us to be effective in educating these children in some of the most rugged conditions anywhere. Tom went to Texas to attend a Bible college, and in 2009, we began working with Tom again when he married Nutie Melrose. Tom, Truman, and I have a long history working together. This photo was taken a year before Truman passed from a sudden heart attack as we were visiting our school in Klampa.