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Brewing Methods

Here at the Rio Coco Café, we use four proven methods:

 1) We serve our Daily Brews Pour Over style: Fine ground coffee is place in a paper filter with 200-204 degree purified water passing through it for approximately four minutes, This is the optimum extraction of the coffee flavonoids.

Individual Pour Over: Fine ground coffee is placed in a paper filter and holder and 200 degree water is slowly poured over the coffee in a circular motion. Within three minutes you have the smoothest cup of coffee. Available in all of our single origin coffees.

3) Espresso: Super charged steam hits finely ground coffee under pressure and extracts a dense, flavorful brew. Our macchiatos, cappuccinos, lattes, and americanos are made with our exclusive “Rio Espresso” blend.


3) French Press: Course ground coffee is steeped in 200-204 degree water for four minutes, then the grounds are pressed to the bottom, resulting in a very full flavored coffee with an exquisite body.


4) Cold Brew: Coarse ground coffee is steeped in cold water for 18-24 hours, then passed through a cloth/mesh filter, resulting in a smooth, low acidic, deeply flavored coffee.



Brewing Coffee PDF


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