Sumatra Mountain Rain

Regular price $19.75
Cupping Notes: Chocolate, Syrupy, Cedar, with a hint of Spice
This is an S.H.G. (Strictly High Grown) Specialty Grade Coffee
Wet Hull Process
From the farms in the Gayo Mountains on the northwestern tip of Sumatra, near Aceh, the site of the terrible Christmas tsunami in 2004, this Mandheling coffee is world renowned for its heavy body and earthy tones. Only in these past few years has Gayo Mountain coffee production returned to pre-tsunami levels.
We roast our Sumatra Rain to a dark consistent brown and dump the coffee when very small specks of oil are visible. The result is a very complex coffee, which we are careful not to over roast. The flavor notes are incredible! It is one of our favorites and used in our Global Jones, Ron 'N Jean and Java Jake blends.
Photo: Life on the Rio Coco provides many opportunities for physical exercise. When it comes to carrying heavy loads, balancing large objects on the head is common.