Honduras Blue Mountain Light Organic

Regular price $18.25
Cupping Notes: Sweet Lemon with a hint of Pepper and Chocolate
This is an Organic, S.H.G. (Strictly High Grown) specialty grade coffee
The morning and afternoon sun give the mountains of northern Honduras around Lake Yojoa a soft blue tone, and this high altitude area is the home of some of the most delicious coffee in the world!
The famers at Cero Azul, El Jaguar, and San Vicente farms have provided us with world class coffees that are distinct in body and flavors.
We slowly roast our Honduras Blue Mountain Light until the second crack, which results in bright, clear flavors. We enjoy the peppery, citrus, chocolate notes of this excellent coffee.
Photo: One of the chores of Miskito children along the Rio Coco each morning is washing dishes. Sometimes river water is hauled up to the house and the dishes are done in the kitchen. Other times the dishes are brought to the river bank where the sand and slit of the river is used to scrub off the black smokes marks from the wood fire clay stoves.