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Dos Centavos

Dos Centavos
Product image 1Dos Centavos
Product image 2Dos Centavos
Product image 3Dos Centavos
Product image 4Dos Centavos
Product image 5Dos Centavos
Product image 6Dos Centavos
Product image 7Dos Centavos

Regular price $18.50

Cupping Notes: cherry, chocolate, orange, caramel, sweet lemon 

S.H.G  - Strictly High Grown

I have a friend named Camilo who is originally from Managua Nicaragua. Camilo sources many of the Central & South American coffees we roast at Rio Coco Beans. He visits the farms, chooses the best of their crops, and pays a fair price for their coffee. His brother Marcos supplies us with our Nicaraguan coffee from his beneficio in Sebaco.

Camilo's father Guillermo was a comandante in the army fighting the Marxist government of Nicaragua ( along with their Cuban, Russian, and Bulgarian allies) during the Sandinista War. My friend Truman (Negro Fino), who was a comandante in the Miskito army and fought the these same guys on the Coco River, knew Guillermo. I found out this connection after we began working together in in 2009. Later on, I discovered that Camilo also had lived for a time in Israel.

Camilo has a good taste for coffee, and suggested this blend of Colombia and Ethiopia coffees. I made a few tweaks, and behold, a blend with smooth cherry and chocolate tones, with hints of sweet lemons and spices.

As for the name, "Dos Centavos" means "two cents" in Spanish. We think you will more than your two cents worth when you open this bag.

In the slang vernacular of Nicaragua, 'centavos" has another meaning. It is a person who is remarkable, but sometime irritating. That is the best description that I can publicly give.

So, from two friends who love coffee, and share many life experiences, here is a blend that we are sure you will enjoy.

Photo: The Dos Centavos at the Royal Coffee warehouse in South Plainfield New Jersey.

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