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Timor White Star Organic

Timor White Star Organic
Product image 1Timor White Star Organic
Product image 2Timor White Star Organic
Product image 3Timor White Star Organic
Product image 4Timor White Star Organic
Product image 5Timor White Star Organic
Product image 6Timor White Star Organic
Product image 7Timor White Star Organic
Product image 8Timor White Star Organic
Product image 9Timor White Star Organic
Product image 10Timor White Star Organic
Product image 11Timor White Star Organic

Regular price $19.75

Cupping Notes: Almond, Vanilla, Brown Sugar with a hint of Chocolate

     An Organic Fair Trade Coffee

This is an S.H.G. (Strictly High Grown) Specialty Grade Coffee

On the boundary of the Indian and Pacific Ocean lies the small island of Timor. Portuguese settlers began planting coffee here 400 years ago, although coffee leaf rust has resulted in replanting most of the fields in recent years. Most of the coffee farms are in the eastern part of the island, which won its independence from Indonesia in 1999 through a bloody war. We remember this valiant struggle by adding the “White Star” to our label.  
      These farms are small- less than a hectare, yet coffee provides most of the economy of this island nation. We like our Timor medium roasted, with consistent brown color and a hint of oil on the bean. This is one of our most popular coffees. We love the deep complexity of this bean!

This is an organic fair trade coffee. We are not a "certified coffee roaster" as that certification process requires a lot of work for small batch hand roasters.

This coffee is our most popular, and there are many tasty reasons why this is so!

The photo on the label is of the feet of a few of our students on the Rio Coco. It was taken a few years ago by Michael Remedios, who was very instrumental in getting Rio Coco from a dream to reality in 2004. You may notice Mike and I picking coffee at the Vida Joven Farm in the high mountains around Matagalpa Nicaragua.

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